An experienced homeopathic doctor in Bangladesh. Main Doctor and owner of a wide platform of homeopathic medicine and online doctor service. Dr. Shah Alam passed his DHMS from Homeopathic medical college in 1992. At the early stage of his profession, he worked as a doctor at Hossein Homeo Dhaka nearly about 1996 to 1999. After that, he established his own platform DhakaHomeo international.
Bytheway he mainly treats hemorrhoids (অর্শ্বরোগ), tumors (টিউমার), skin (চর্ম), sexual (যৌন), arthritis (বাত), diabetes (ডায়াবেটিস), asthma (হাঁপানি), diarrhea (ডায়রিয়া), jaundice (জন্ডিস), appendicitis (এপেন্ডিসাইটিস), tonsillitis (টনসিল), gallstones (পিত্তথলি), pneumonia (নিউমোনিয়া), nasal polyps (নাকের পলিপাস), all types of cancer (সকল ধরনের ক্যান্সার), infertility (বান্ধ্যাত্ব), kidney problems (কিডনি সমস্যা), gynecological (স্ত্রীরোগ), pediatric (শিশুরোগ), and any kind of difficult diseases.